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三次Bézier 曲线与圆弧有重合点时的Hausdorff 距离


  • 出版日期:2013-04-30 发布日期:2015-06-11

Hausdorff Distance between Cubic Bézier Curve and Circular Arc with a Coincidence Point

  • Online:2013-04-30 Published:2015-06-11

摘要: :Hausdorff 距离常用来度量两条曲线的匹配程度,因此,它可以用来度量
三次Bézier 曲线与圆弧之间的逼近程度。论文给出了三次Bézier 曲线与圆弧在中点重合时,
它们之间的Hausdorff 距离表达式;以及三次Bézier 曲线与圆弧在一般情况重合(除端点外)
时的Hausdorff 距离表达式。通过这些表达式可以直接得出三次Bézier 曲线与圆弧之间的
Hausdorff 距离。

关键词: Hausdorff 距离, 圆弧, Bé, zier 曲线

Abstract: Hausdorff distance is often used to measure the distance between two curves. It
can be used to measure the distance between cubic Bézier curve and circular arc. In the paper, the
closed form of the Hausdorff distance between the circular arc and the cubic Bézier curve is given
when they have a coincidence point.

Key words: Hausdorff distance, Circular arc, Bézier curve