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基于Lupas q-模拟Bernstein 算子的广义Bézier 曲线


  • 出版日期:2013-08-30 发布日期:2015-06-18

Generalized Bézier Curves Based on Lupas q-analogue of Bernstein Operator

  • Online:2013-08-30 Published:2015-06-18

摘要: 提出了一种全新的广义Bézier 曲线。首先,从Lupas q-模拟Bernstein 算
子出发,得到了一组有理函数,该函数带有一个形状参数,是经典Bernstein 基函数的自然
推广。然后,构造了相应的广义Bézier 曲线,本文称之为Lupas q-Bézier 曲线,并研究了
其基本性质。Lupas q-Bézier 曲线具有与经典Bézier 曲线相类似的升阶公式和de Casteljau

关键词: 计算机辅助几何设计, Lupas q-模拟Bernstein 算子, Lupas q-Bé, zier 曲线,
de Casteljau 算法

Abstract: This paper presents a novel generalization of Bézier curves. Firstly, a class of
rational functions with one shape parameter is presented. It comes from the Lupas q-analogue of
Bernstein operator and is a natural extension to classical Bernstein basis. Then, the corresponding
generalized Bézier curves, the so-called Lupas q-Bézier curves, are also constructed and their
properties are studied. The new generalized Bézier curves share the degree evaluation and de
Casteljau algorithm of the classical Bézier curves.

Key words: computer aided geometric design, Lupas q-analogue of Bernstein operator;
Lupas q-Bézier curves,
degree elevation, de Casteljau algorithm