In view of the actual situation of the journal, Journal of Graphics formulates this publication ethics statement by drawing on the commonly acknowledged standards of publication ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, In doing so, the journal can uphold a high standard of publication ethics, obligating reviewers, editors, and authors to dutifully abide by their professional ethics.
I. Publication Ethics of Reviewers
1. Reviewers should perform their review duties conscientiously and hand in the review timely as agreed. If unable to fulfill their duty on time for any reason, they should notify the editorial office and return the manuscript.
2. Reviewers should respect academic freedom and provide objective and fair review comments based on the academic quality of the manuscript, refraining from making evaluations of the authors, committing personal attacks, or delivering biased or malicious criticisms.
3. The review should be conducted fairly and rationally, and any potential conflicts of interest should be avoided.
4. During the peer review process, the principle of confidentiality should be complied with, and the content or information of the manuscript shall not be disclosed to those unrelated.
II. Publication Ethics of Editors
1. Editors are obliged to provide authors with the journal’s guidelines in terms of submission, format, and content, assisting them to optimize the structure and quality of the manuscripts.
2. The manuscripts should be handled in a timely manner in accordance with the established procedures without any delay.
3. The first round of review should be conducted timely, after which the manuscripts consistent with the journal’s aims and scope shall be accepted and those inconsistent shall be returned.
4. High confidentiality should be ensured when processing the manuscripts, and the information related to the authors and manuscripts shall not be revealed without permission.
5. The results of peer review and final review should be respected, which shall not be changed or deleted without permission.
6. The contents of Allthe manuscripts
shall be strictly reviewed and checkedin terms of the contentsand academic integrityin accordance with the publication regulations of China.
7. The authorship of the manuscripts should be based on the authors’ actual contributions and references should be properly cited.
8. The authors’ academic demands should be respected, the editorial processing should not entail any change of the academic meaning of the illustrations and content, and the manuscript shall be confirmed by the authors before publication.
9. Editors should avoid any conflicts of interest when handling the manuscripts.
10. The Editorial Board will takeseriouslyany reasonable complaintsfrom authors.If necessary, the editor-in-chiefwilldeliberate onthem, andtimely releasetheconcern, clarification,orretraction.
III. Publication Ethics of Authors
1. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the manuscript, a consensus should be reached on the order of authors, and all authors should review the manuscript before publication.
2. The authors’ affiliations should be the administrative institutions to which they belong or those where they completed the research.
3. Only unpublished manuscripts can be submitted, and misconducts such as duplicate submissions, plagiarism, forgery, and falsification should be avoided.
4. Any actual or potential conflicts of interest should be avoided in the submitted manuscripts.
5. The fund project should be noted faithfully.
6. In accordance with the publication regulations of China, the confidentiality of the manuscript must be reviewed by the author’s affiliation before submission to ensure that the content is not confidential.
7. When submitting a paper, all authors are required to sign a copyright transfer agreement with the Editorial Board of Journal of Graphics.
8.The citation of references should be faithful, reliable, accurate, and valid. Misconducts such as quoting from secondary sources, excessive citations, incomplete citations, and improper self-citation should be avoided.
IV. Withdrawal and Correction
If any published articles are proved to have committed academic misconducts and serious violations of publication ethics, the journal shall withdraw the publication and publish a statement, of which the author’s affiliation will be informed.
If any published papers have errors incontents or authorship,the journal willtimelypublish a correction statement.