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  • 出版日期:2012-12-31 发布日期:2015-07-29

Simulation of brushstroke multi-color in Chinese painting based on technique of writing model

  • Online:2012-12-31 Published:2015-07-29

摘要: 为了完善“一笔多色”国画技法效果的计算机模拟,提出了基于笔法的多色

关键词: 计算机应用, 计算机艺术, 国画模拟, 一笔多色, 笔道叠加, 笔法模型

Abstract: In order to improve the computer simulation of the brushstroke multi-color in
Chinese painting, this paper proposes the multi-color effect emulate based on the technique of
writing. By establishing a stroke model, the thick or thin of sub-stroke (center writing) is changed,
or several sub-strokes (side writing) are superposed which offset a certain distance. Thus the
complex process of calculating the color in the stroke area point by point is avoided and the
running speed is enhanced. The center writing and the side writing are determined by the angle
between brush and paper, and the intelligent technique of writing is realized when the center
writing and the side writing are interchanged. Then the effect of brushstroke multi-color emulate
is produced by two different techniques of writing.

Key words: computer application, computer art, Chinese painting simulation, brushstroke
strokes superposing, technique of writing model