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Journal of Graphics ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 1001-1011.DOI: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2020061001

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Research on establishment of city geographic information platform based on open source technology 


  1. (1. Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518005, China) 
  • Online:2020-12-31 Published:2021-01-08
  • Supported by:
    Foundation items:National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFD110090501); National Natural Science Foundation of China (51778336) 

Abstract: Abstract: To solve the problems in the establishment of city geographic information platform including difficulty in data acquisition and high development cost, this paper introduced open source technologies, and proposed a platform establishment method based on open source data, open source tools and open source framework. The proposed platform consists of two parts, including the data module and the visualization module. In order to construct the data module, the open source geographic project open street map (OSM) was selected to obtain building and division data, and a building merging algorithm was designed to further improve data quality. The building data was then organized hierarchically based on administrative divisions and provided to specific applications through the data interface constructed by ASP. NET. The visualization module was implemented based on the open source geographic information system (GIS) project Cesium, and complete user interfaces were designed. Taking Beijing as an example, we carried out the development and testing of the prototype system, and confirmed the feasibility of the proposed technical route. The advantages of open source technologies were fully considered in this paper to reduce platform development costs and promote the research and application of city geographic information platform. 

Key words: Keywords: city geographic information platform, open source, geographic information system 

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