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Journal of Graphics ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 641-650.DOI: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2022040641

• Image Processing and Computer Vision • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Unsupervised emotion recognition of Yunnan Heavy Color Paintings based on domain adaptation


  1. 1. Information Technology Center, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan 650500, China;
    2. School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan 650500, China
  • Online:2022-08-31 Published:2022-08-15
  • Contact: XU Dan (1968), professor, Ph.D. Her main research interests cover graphics, computer vision, image analysis and understanding, digital culture preservation, image emotion computing, etc. E-mail:danxu@ynu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (61761046); Applied Basic Research Key Project of Yunnan (YNWR-YLXZ-2018-022);
    Scientific Research Project of Yunnan Province Education Department (2021J0029)


Thanks to the large-scale labeled datasets available, deep learning has made a great breakthrough in computer vision. However, due to the ambiguity of emotion semantics, it is hard to annotate the emotional labels for images. Thus, only a few small-scale image emotion datasets are open and available, restricting the performance of image emotion analysis based on deep learning. The semantics of emotions have unique characteristics, such as order and polarity, but few studies have paid attention to these essential characteristics in image emotion analysis. Thus, in the paper, based on domain adaptation, considering the essential characteristics of emotion semantics, that is, the ordered and grouped polarity, we proposed to measure emotion semantic differences through earth mover’s distance (EMD). The goal is to better transfer the trained model with labeled emotion dataset to unlabeled emotion dataset and complete the unsupervised image emotion analysis. The Yunnan Heavy Color Paintings Emotion dataset was created in this paper, and was applied to our proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively align the emotional semantics between the source domain and the target domain, realizing the unsupervised automatic annotation of emotion dataset, thus expanding the size of the image emotion dataset.

Key words: domain adaptation, Yunnan Heavy Color Paintings, earth mover’s distance, unsupervised, automatic annotation

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