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基于BIM 的运维管理研究与应用综述


  • 出版日期:2015-10-30 发布日期:2015-11-05

A Review for Researches and Applications of BIM-Based Operation and Maintenance Management

  • Online:2015-10-30 Published:2015-11-05

摘要: :在建筑物的运营维护阶段中引入BIM 技术可以得到显著效益。尽管近年来相关文献
发表数量持续增长,但目前国内外运维阶段的BIM 研究与应用还处于初级阶段。为此在广泛的文
献调研的基础上,从技术层面和应用层面对当前国内外BIM 运维的研究和应用现状进行综述,介
况。在总结现状的基础上,最后讨论了该领域现存的挑战和瓶颈,并针对性地展望了BIM 运维未

关键词: :BIM, 运维管理, 技术研究, 应用项目, 综述

Abstract: Introducing BIM into building operation and maintenance management (O&M management)
has significant benefits. Though the number of related literatures keeps increasing in recent years, current
domestic and foreign researches and applications on BIM-based O&M are generally in the exploratory
stage. Based on a broad literature survey, this paper reviewed domestic and foreign BIM-based O&M
researches and applications from the perspective of technology researches and application projects.
Relevant key technologies, research status and related system developments were introduced. The
functions and project applications were then summarized. Finally the challenges and bottlenecks for
BIM-based O&M management, as well as an outlook for future researches were discussed.

Key words: BIM, operation and maintenance management, technology research, application project;