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Journal of Graphics ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 570-578.DOI: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2023030570

• Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Regional hierarchical mesh simplification algorithm for feature retention

ZHU Tian-xiao1(), YAN Feng-ting1(), SHI Zhi-cai2   

  1. 1. School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
    2. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Integrated Administration Technologies for Information Security, Shanghai 200240, China
  • Received:2022-08-30 Accepted:2022-11-20 Online:2023-06-30 Published:2023-06-30
  • Contact: YAN Feng-ting (1980-), lecturer, Ph.D. His main research interests cover computer graphics, WebVR+AI. E-mail:yanfengting2008@163.com
  • About author:

    ZHU Tian-xiao (1998-), master student. His main research interests cover computer graphics and deep learning. E-mail:shownztx@163.com

  • Supported by:
    Scientific and Technological Innovation 2030-Major Project of New Generation Artificial Intelligence(2020AAA0109300);Shanghai Information Security Comprehensive Management Technology Research Key Laboratory Open Research Subject Fund(AGK2019004);Research on Smart Dispatching of Urban Flooding Emergency Facilities Based on Multi-source Information by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission(21511103704);Multi-Dimensional Space-Time Variable Data-Driven WebVR+AI Key Technology Development((19) DZ-015)


As the accuracy of 3D modeling continues to improve, the data size of mesh models is increasing proportionally. Thus, simplifying mesh models is essential to facilitate storage and computation. However, most mesh simplification algorithms usually set a single simplification rate for the entire model, and they are unable to retain local features through different levels of simplification. To address this limitation, a hierarchical mesh simplification algorithm called regional hierarchical quadric error metric algorithm (RH-QEM) for local feature retention was proposed. First, the algorithm segmented the mesh model using spectral clustering and constructed the kernel function using geodesic and cosine distances. Then a curvature metric based on normal vectors was constructed to measure the curvature degree of different localities of the mesh model, according to which the graded grid simplification rate was set. Different regions were mapped to different simplification rates. Finally, the algorithm constructed an improved edge folding cost function to achieve graded simplification for different regions of the grid model. Experiments were conducted on CAD models and scanned models. The experimental results demonstrated that the RH-QEM algorithm outperformed three compared algorithms, as it could reduce the simplification errors and enhance the mesh quality, thus realizing graded simplification and effectively maintaining the detailed features of the model.

Key words: mesh simplification, feature retention, spectral clustering, normal vectors, quadratic error

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