Journal of Graphics ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 764-774.DOI: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2023040764
• Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality • Previous Articles Next Articles
YUE Ming-yu1(), GAO Xi-feng2, BI Chong-ke1()
BI Chong-ke (1982-), associate professor, Ph.D. His main research interests cover visualization and high performance computing. E-mail:About author:
YUE Ming-yu (1999-), master student. His main research interest covers 3D model processing.
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YUE Ming-yu, GAO Xi-feng, BI Chong-ke. 3D low-poly mesh generation for building models[J]. Journal of Graphics, 2023, 44(4): 764-774.
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Fig. 1 A high-poly mesh and simplified results generated by different methods ((a) The high-poly mesh with 10 081 triangles; (b) QEM with 402 triangles; (c) Simplygon with 402 triangles; (d) Our method with 290 triangles)
Fig. 2 An overview of our method ((a) The original model, also the reference mesh of the inverse rendering framework; (b) The base mesh of the inverse rendering framework, also the outer hull of the voxelized original model; (c) The mesh after being morphed; (d) The outer hull of the voxelized morphed model; (e) The mesh generated by alpha wrapping algorithm; (f) The simplified mesh)
Fig. 3 Comparison between different initial base meshes and the morphed results obtained from them ((a) The sphere mesh; (b) The mesh morphed from the sphere; (c) The outer hull of the voxelized mesh; (d) The mesh morphed from the outer hull)
Fig. 4 The result of the different values of ?? ((a) The outer hull of the voxelized morphed mesh; (b) The result with α=d/190 & δ=d/10000, and the genus is 8; (c) The result with α=d/200 & δ=d/10000, and the genus is 10; (d) The result with α=d/210 & δ=d/10000, and the genus is 10. d is the diagonal length of the bounding box of the mesh)
Fig. 5 The comparison between results, and the data under each mesh indicate the number of triangular facets, the simplification rate and the similarity error, respectively ((a) Input; (b) QEM; (c) PolyFit; (d) Simplygon reduction; (e) Simplygon remeshing; (f) Ours)
方法 | W(%) | M(%) | ravg | eavg | |
输入 | 0 | 11.54 | 17557 | - | - |
QEM | 3.85 | 26.92 | 85 | 0.015 5 | 2805 |
PolyFit | 0 | 76.92 | 328 | 0.051 1 | 2024 |
Simplygon reduction | 0 | 0 | 701 | 0.039 8 | 764 |
Simplygon remeshing | 100 | 100 | 85 | 0.015 7 | 654 |
Ours | 100 | 100 | 85 | 0.015 7 | 485 |
Table 1 Statistics of results on the whole data set
方法 | W(%) | M(%) | ravg | eavg | |
输入 | 0 | 11.54 | 17557 | - | - |
QEM | 3.85 | 26.92 | 85 | 0.015 5 | 2805 |
PolyFit | 0 | 76.92 | 328 | 0.051 1 | 2024 |
Simplygon reduction | 0 | 0 | 701 | 0.039 8 | 764 |
Simplygon remeshing | 100 | 100 | 85 | 0.015 7 | 654 |
Ours | 100 | 100 | 85 | 0.015 7 | 485 |
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